The Toy Viking | Designer Toy, Action Figure, and Japanese Vinyl news with a Dash of Insanity: Realm Runners Board Game from Skinner x Jason Furie


   There are very few things in life that could ever be considered a sure thing. At this point I would usually list three gradually funnier things, but this morning when I was getting out of the shower one of my cats jumped on my back while I was hunched over drying off my legs and in the interest of him not tearing my flesh as he slid down, I remained in said position. Then I took a step forward, and hit my head on the door jam. At which point I said a few choice words, stood upright causing him to lose his grip, and was flayed like a medieval prisoner anyway. The moral of the story is I left my cleverness for the day in the skull shaped dent of my bathroom and there it shall remain for the time being.

    So other than me getting creatively injured in a feline related incident, the other sure thing in life is that this board game created by Skinner and Jason Furie has already been completely crowd funded and is guaranteed to go into production. So backing it comes with no risk of disappointment, unlike the look on Jacob Peterson’s face when I bested him in the third grade science spelling bee. You really thought you had it wrapped up with “mitochondria”? 

    As with anything Skinner involves himself in, this game looks cosmically insane. His neon Lovecraftian style is splattered all over every inch of this thing, from the box art to the boards, to the miniatures that are exclusive to the deluxe edition set. 

  While this project is fully funded, they’ve got plenty of stretch goals available to make the final product even more mind melting than what you see here. So check out this link and get in on it before you miss out and are all sad and stuff. 

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