Last year was hard, as I faced more loss than I have ever experienced before. Individuals that I looked up to, that I considered friends, and others that were my family departed this world and left me feeling kind of helpless. I didn’t write much, or make anything as I was consumed by feelings of grief that made those tasks nearly...
A trio of HIRONO-themed toynews has come across my timelines, and I wanna share my toyjoy with you all (not least because I am a huge toy-fan of "HIRONO"), with all products showcased here are scheduled for a "December 14th" drop (10AM / GMT+8) via Pop Mart retailer(s), so do check in and reserve yours stat!
(2/2)CLOT X HIRONO Series drops December 14th 2024...
Review and photos by Hubert, edited by DinoToyBlog
Having recently set the scene for Wing Crown’s Cartoon Series in our introductory review, let’s now...