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Preorders Now Live for Toy History Series – Global Toy News

The Great Courses on Audible has announced pre-orders for the new series: The History of Toys 1900 to Present. Written and presented by Chris Byrne (also your intrepid editor here), the series covers six major topic areas that shaped the toy industry in the 20th Century and for nearly the first quarter of the 21st. Each of the six episode is about 30 minutes...

Gastonia (Haolonggood) – Dinosaur Toy Blog

Gastonia was discovered in the Cedar Mountain Formation of Utah, USA. It lived during the Early Cretaceous period from 139 to 134.6 million years ago and is one of the very best known nodosaurids. Its name honours Robert Gaston, an American paleontologist and the CEO of Gaston Design, Inc., which makes and sells skeletal replicas of various dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals. Including Gastonia,...

Come, See Toys: G.I.Joe Classified Series Copperhead

The only Cobra operative in this wave, Copperhead.Copperhead is a boat pilot. He typically wears a green singlet and pants. The Cobra logo...

Brachiosaurus (‘Cartoon Series’ by Wing Crown / Gosnell) – Dinosaur Toy Blog

Review and photos by Hubert, edited by DinoToyBlog Hello! Plenty of people who are passionate about dinosaurs today likely started being so early in their...

Affiliate News: TVC & Retro Exclusives Now at Entertainment Earth

TVC and Retro Collection exclusives (previously Hasbro Pulse/DisneyStore) now available for preorder at affiliate Entertainment Earth with free shipping. Source link

DC Multiverse (Rebirth): Cyborg by McFarlane

Oh dear, will I ever get caught up on my DC Multiverse backlog? Probably not. It doesn’t help that new figures arrive and...

Glyos Transmission Web Log: The Naval Deep

Sent from beyond the Edge of Space long ago and guided by the first Delphi, the massive star seeding entities known as the...

Toys from the Past: #1054 – LONE STAR

As time goes by, we have seen websites dealing with die-cast models disappear. Great and free sources of information are lost and there...

TMNT Mutation Station Instructional Video

TMNT Mutation Station Instructional Video Source link

G.I.Joe Classified Series Edward "Torpedo" Leialoha

Torpedo away!Torpedo is probably the best figure of this wave for me. He looks great! I don't think I have any complaints about...

Lambeosaurus (Ultimate Dinosaurs by Yowie Group) – Dinosaur Toy Blog

Here’s another of the more exciting additions to Yowie’s Ultimate Dinosaurs series, the Lambeosaurus. I say more exciting because Lambeosaurus is somewhat of...

New A New Hope Retro Collection

Hasbro revealed new Retro Collection figures for A New Hope >>> release info yet to come. Source link

G. I. JOE Classified: Iron Grenadier (B.A.T.) Battle Android Trooper by Hasbro

New Classified figures arrived at my doorstep this weekend, and I’m pushing them to the head of the line. I feel terrible about...