Marvel Legends Series Blue Marvel (Controller BAF)

Here's a look at the Marvel Legends Blue Marvel.Blue Marvel is a character I'm not too familiar with. From what I gather he's a smart and powerful individual. His main ability is anti-matter manipulation. From there there's various things he can do. He also has superhuman strength. He's able to beat the likes of Hulk, Thor and Sentry. Now that's very powerful!Blue Marvel's...

TMNT Mutation Station Instructional Video

TMNT Mutation Station Instructional Video Source link

25 for ’25: New TVC Code Names Added

25 for ‘25: No official TVC news today, but unofficially, I have added 25 new code names recently to our MASTER LIST. This...

Batman (1989): Batwing and Batman (Batman Returns) by Spinmaster

A little while ago Spinmaster put out a 4-inch Batwing and Batman figure for The Flash movie. I picked it up, but never...

#1052 MINILAND – ACTION´S MEN (Around 1990)

This is another summary of an article that appeared first on the magazine Figuras en Acción, around 3 years ago. Miniland is a...

TMNT Pizza Fire Van with Pizza-Launching Action!

TMNT Pizza Fire Van with Pizza-Launching Action! Source link

G.I.Joe Classified Series Craig "Rock N Roll" McConnel

Get ready for some Rock N' Roll! I first got to know of Rock N Roll (RnR) through buying his V2 3.75" figure back...

Alamosaurus (Haolonggood) – Dinosaur Toy Blog

Review and photos by Torvosaurus, edited by Suspsy Howdy from wonderful, windy Wyoming! Well, summer is long over, my list of honey-do’s from the...

Affiliate News: TBS Kelnacca Preorder

The “Gift the Galaxy” week 4 preorder for TBS Kelnacca opens at 1pm ET via our affiliates Amazon and Entertainment Earth*. TBS Deluxe Jedi Master Kelnacca ($33.99)Amazon...

Transformers: The Movie Retro G1 Autobot Hound by Hasbro

As I’m packing up parts of my collection, I’m finding lots of odds and ends that never got their turn at the spotlight...

Astral Captain

Source link

#1053 LEGOLAND – EXCAVATOR 604-2 (1971)

I got this box in a lot of good old toys, all with their packages and, although used, in good conditions. I was...

TMNT Sewer Lair Playset Instruction Video

TMNT Sewer Lair Playset Instruction Video Source link