What’s New in the World of Board Games? – Global Toy News

Sometimes we have some readers that are mainly interested in specific areas of the Toy Industry (for example, board games) so we have decided to curate a select few articles in various categories that you may be interested in. You have may seen these “News” sections in our email newsletter and now you can see them on our website as well. If there are any categories that you want to see added, please let us know!

This AI-powered chessboard could turn you into a grandmaster

The best solo board games

Invincible: The Hero-Building Board Game Review

War Games Propel 2,500% Stock Run As Games Workshop Hits Major League

What I learned from the 106 games I played this year

This 3D Printed Chess Set Transforms Sand into Timeless Art

How Kurt Vonnegut’s board game was revived from IU’s Lilly Library to store shelves

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