These are three more models I have got in the last years. New Matchbox or Hot Wheels models are very well done, with great tampographies and can be bought for around 1.5 euros/piece. I think this may be the reason why many cars made in the 80s are increasingly rare to find. I guess many are being thrown away together with older toy cars or mistaken with slightly more modern and cheap Chinese models from the 90s. Why use these old toys, when the new ones are much better and so affordable?
D63 – Fiat X1/9 in Red
A very popular car from the mid 80s, here the cast is very similar to the Corgi Juniors model, although this one is smaller, both in length and in width. It was available in red and had practicable bonnet.
The hardtop is simulated with a black sticker, while other models, such as the mentioned Corgi, had a black plastic piece instead.
D75 Datsun 260Z in Blue
This model has already appeared in the blog (see #332), but this one is in a much better shape. The car seems to be have benn made later in time, as it is already a Made in China product and the base is somewhat different (it does not show the “Z” logo, for example).
D76 ’84 Corvette – Silver
I love this model, I think it is inspired in its color and decoration by the Matchbox model, although it is based in a completely different cast. Needless to say that the windshield is ultrafragile, it has miraculously survived until today.
- Name: FIAT X1/9, DATSUN 260Z and ’84 CORVETTE (D63, D75 and D76)
- Scale: Around 1:64
- Year: Around 1984
- Company: Zylmex (Hong-Kong/China)
- Size: approx. 7 cm