Oh dear, will I ever get caught up on my DC Multiverse backlog? Probably not. It doesn’t help that new figures arrive and I keep pushing the new ones to the front of the line. But, I guess these are nice problems to have when you’re a collector. Today I’m checking out Vic Stone as the Rebirth version of Cyborg, a figure that I was pretty excited to get and add to my Titans shelf.
Here he is in the box, and there’s not much new to say, other than his massive arm cannon takes up a lot of real estate on that tray. As usual, the packaging is mostly collector friendly, but you will have to tear the stand and collector card off the back to get them out. Cyborg was previously released in the DC Multiverse as the Collect-To-Build figure from a Flashpoint themed wave. I picked up two of those figures (Flash and Wonder Woman), but could not bring myself to buy the other two (Aquaman and Project Superman) just to complete the CTB, so this is actually my first version of Cyborg in this line.
It’s well known that Todd will take liberties matching comic designs in favor of recycling parts from old figures, and Cyborg here is definitely a case of that. With that having been said, I’ve seen a lot worse and what we got here is close enough for me. The body is largely recycled from the Earth-44 Batman seen in the Dark Knights: Metal Wave, which makes sense, since that was a sort of Batman-Cyborg hybrid. It’s not a figure that I have or had any interest in, but having studied some pictures, I have to say the new paint deco does an amazing job of transforming that figure into Cyborg. The silver armored parts have a bit of a wash to them, making them look pretty convincing as weathered steel. Meanwhile, the black areas have some contour lines and work well as the flexible undersuit. The shoulder pieces are a tad organic looking, but they get the job done. You get a red emblem on the chest, some red points on the sides of his abs, and a couple of red triangles on his lower legs. Almost everything about the body looks great here, except for those wrist and ankle balls, and I’ll come back to those soon.
The head sculpt is quite solid, but punching in close shows the paint to be rather messy. There’s a lot of overspray of his skin tone onto the silver machine parts and even some brown bleeding through from the cyborg part of his face. It’s not a big deal with the figure in hand, but the closer you get the uglier the paint gets. It’s a shame, because I think the sculpt is one of Todd’s stronger efforts.
The articulation is mostly standard stuff for this line, but you do get those older ball-style ankles and wrists, and I sure do hate these. They’re awkward to work with and they don’t look natural. Now, they aren’t quite as jarring here on a cybernetic body, but I still don’t like him. The only other problem I have with this guy is his balance. He seems to have super tiny feet, which can make him difficult to stand in action poses, especially when we get to the next part…
His big honkin’ arm cannon! I’m pretty sure this piece is recycled from one of the animated Green Lantern figures, where it was a translucent green construct. Here it’s painted in the same silver as the rest of the figure and it looks absolutely fantastic. It’s a big and complex sculpt with all sort of detail packed into it’s various mechanical parts. Getting it locked onto his arm can be hit and miss. It doesn’t work at all with his right hand, but I can get a pretty snug fit over the left fist.
Collectors looking for a Rebirth version of Cyborg will no doubt have some issues with the accuracy here, but the figure does represent a very nice modern look for Victor. He also fits my display better than the supersized Collect-To-Build version would have. I’m certainly content now to not have to hunt down the unwanted figures from that wave to build him. There’s still a fair bit to nitpick here what with some sloppy head paint and those ball wrists and ankles, but all in all I dig this one well enough. And he’ll likely be spending time on both my Justice League and Titans shelves as I shuffle things around.