Review and photos by Hubert, edited by DinoToyBlog
Continuing with our overview of the 7 inch Cartoon Series by Wing Crown, Stegosaurus is next in line. Like the others in the series, this is simplified in its ‘early tetrapod’, just-walked-out-from-the-water form, with no anatomical intricacies to be found beyond the obligatory plates and tail spikes. This overview will therefore be brief.

There aren’t many features of Stegosaurus present other than the dorsal plates and half a thagomizer. Its spiked tail weapon might just be the biggest downgrade in prehistory as there are only two spikes where there should be four. The dorsal plates are simplified symmetrical shapes, and their size doesn’t vary as it should. And the head this time… it’s just frog’s!

It is simply green, fading in some places (mostly down on the belly) to a human skin tone-like beige. The eyeball color is yellow this time, the toenails are splattered light blue and there is a dark green zig-zag mark added onto the body, corresponding with sculpted detail underneath.

Interestingly this time the figure is mostly smooth. Textures seen on the body and “knees” consist of crossing, chiseled ridges making diamond shaped and “X” patterns, and on the dorsal plates there are small ridges around and perpendicular to the edge.

There is an obvious seam dividing the front half of the toy from the rear half. This seam is also present in all the other 7 inch figures and betrays the production process: two halves created separately and stuck together.

Expect another one of these cuties to appear on the blog soon…